Analytics is everything. Well, almost.

Summer is a time when most things slow down and holiday-mode kicks in. The summer is also a great time to take the opportunity to analyze past projects and reflect on how things can be improved for upcoming projects. In order to analyze properly however; you need… Analytics! In other words - metrics of some sort to give you the facts and insights you need to determine if your work was successful or not. Examples include Google Analytics (which is very common and truly awesome) or analytics from your social media channels, like Facebook or Linkedin.

For me, a freelancer/ghost writer who is offering conversion focused marketing support as his bread and butter; analytics is everything. Almost.

I took the opportunity to analyze my work for one of my clients today and the data painted a clear picture that’ll help me in my follow-ups with my client and on the flip side; the data will help my client understand if their investment with me is giving them the return they are expecting. If they’re getting good bang for their bucks, basically. Without this type of data; both me as a copywriter and service provider and the client would be in the dark and would have to resort to qualified guesswork.

I thought I’d share some of the insights that I gained in order to illustrate what analytics can do for you: On Facebook; 644,000 unique visitors have read the posts I have written for the client over the past two months and this has generated over 32,000 unique engagements, or people who have clicked/liked/shared the posts.

Considering that the page itself has gained just over 38,000 followers, the viral reach of the 60+ posts created has been tremendous. With the added knowledge that the client has sold thousands of tickets to their events leading up to the summer; I can quite easily draw the conclusion that the posts and the messaging is hitting home with the target audience of the events.

However; a digital marketer should never be satisfied with just broad brush strokes or big, boasting numbers. Next up is to analyze the messaging over the past few months and cross-reference with the post date/time. Is there a certain message that reaches more unique visitors, that generates better engagement than other? Is it better to post certain messages in the morning at noon or in the evening? Are Mondays better than Thursdays?

Many questions and factors to consider, but this type of analyze combined with strong, targeted copy is what makes kick-ass digital marketing.

If you would like to find out more, give me a shout at [email protected]

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